Friday, February 04, 2005

Frankfurt - Cold, Picturesque and Spots of Drama

Well we arrived safe and sound in Frankfurt. About 24 hours of Qantas is enough, we saw all the movies and ate all the food (which actually wasn't too bad).

We walked around town yesterday trying to get a feel for the city. Its very difficult when all you want to do is sleep - so we did, 7 hours in the afternoon, out for dinner, then another 10 or so. Dinner was in a traditional German pub. We ate 'handcheese with music'ยด- a local delicacy combining a soft cheese, vinegar and onion. Everything here is pickled! We had apple wine and a bucket of beer. Binding is not bad at all.

Today was much better. We got up all refreshed and we were walking to the train station. A fight broke out between a cyclist and a car driver. There was much arguing in German and it looked like it was about to get physical. Cathy and I were 20 metres away when one of the combatants pulled a gun!!! He went to fire it into the air and 2 big guys jumped on him and they wrestled on the ground for a while. We high-tailed it out of there quite shaken at seeing our first German fight. The police came from all directions and order was restored. We asked the Tourist Information guy whether this was normal. Apparently not, as he was shocked by our tale.

Its about 5 degrees, a bit fresh but apparently better than Melbourne! Which we saw on the news.

Off to Heidelberg on Saturday and then Istanbul on Sunday.

Keep in touch.

Chris and Cathy


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