Thursday, May 26, 2005

Almost too relaxed to post.

A day in the Greek Islands.

1. Wake up, eat large breakfast costing very little euro.

2. Have a swim in hotel pool.

3. Stroll around looking at shops, beautiful white buildings and goats on hills.

4. Have a swim in hotel pool.

5. Eat large tasty lunch (the Santorini Sandwich AKA Gyros)

6. Have a swim in hotel pool.

7. Read another book (why are these bloody things so expensive over here - even the local books appear to cost far too much to us)

8. Have a swim...

9. Have large tasty dinner washed down with Greek

10. Sleep

11. Wake up and start over.

We are not sure whether we will be able to pick the pace up when we have to go back to sightseeing next week. Hope so or the rest of our postings will be rather boring.

A couple more islands to go (Santorini and Ios done, Paros and Mykonos to come) and then to Turkey where hopefully the snow has melted (see our February posts!)

Til next time, I must be off as the pool is waiting for me.

Could not be more


At 11:36 pm, Blogger Rounders said...


We haven't stumbled across any displays of public nudity during our travels through Santorini, Ios and Paros. We understood that Mykonos was the place for the public nudity (generally of the male variety as well) and as we are heading there tomorrow, we will ensure you are the first to know.

I haven't employed either the "Au Naturale" or Black Thong, instead relying on the white and black boardshirts purchased in Santorini for the occasion. They stretch to the knee and don't have the old VFL logo down the side.

With the sun out, Cathy has managed to dig both bathing suits from the bottom of her backpack. Needless to say the wait has been worth it.

And "Dried Leaves", nice to have you on board. Unfortunately you appear to be stuck in the same posting rut as "LongandThin" and in this regard I refer to Cathy's comments dated 6 May 2005.

Please converse with Sandwich regarding the drafting of a witty and amusing email.

Rounders out.

At 11:57 pm, Blogger Rounders said...


Thanks for your comments whıch have met wıth Mrs Rounderers approval. She looks forward to your contınued ınterest ın thıs websıte over the comıng months.

In response to your query, we have ındeed been stunned by the style of some Greeks, ın partıcular the 45+ women wearıng lycra tops sayıng 'sexy honey' and 'red hot lover'. We suspect that further enquırıes would reveal that they are ın fact not so hot ın the Greek Boudour, but those enquırıes are best left for others to make.

Thanks also for the Dıdak news, I was just revıewıng my favourıte websıte when I saw that you had commented on thıs sıte, for your convenıence an excellent artıcle appears here -

The country countıng ıs progressıng nıcely. 30 for me and 34 for Cathy. Wıth 11 new countrıes to go, the openıng ceremony of Beıjıng 2008 wıll certaınly have a been there done that rıng to ıt. Thıs ıs great as we all know that Sandwıch, Drıed Leaves, yourself, Chıld and of course Manuel have all travelled.




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